A Simple Inexpensive Electronic Buzz Coil
A few years back a friend, Jim White, threw me a challenge. Could I make a simple all-electronic buzz coil? I had seen
A Simple Inexpensive Electronic Buzz Coil
A few years back a friend, Jim White, threw me a challenge. Could I make a simple all-electronic buzz coil? I had seen
When Bench Testing A Magneto: Use a Plug Gapped To 4X
When a high-tension ignition engine won’t start, it’s common practice to pull the sparkplug, lay it on the engine, turn the flywheel and
I acquired a 1910 4HP battery and coil powered WaterlooBoy engine with an interesting problem. Today I say it had an interesting problem,
As some of us engine collectors with low tension rotary magneto engines, get older, we enjoy easy-starting engines more and more. I talked
The Weidenhoff Model 818 Magnet Charger
Final version Appeared In Gas Engine Magazine Aug/Sept 2020 I have long had an interest in old equipment used around our old engines.
The Low-Tension Ignition System
Final version Appeared In Gas Engine Magazine Oct/Nov 2020 IntroductionThe purpose of this article is to bring some understanding in a nontechnical way
Build An Extremely Strong Magnet Charger For $40
Final version Appeared In Gas Engine Magazine April/May 2022 As the magnets in our old engine magnetos age, they very slowly lose magnetic
The John Deere Model E Important Dates And Milestones
Final version Appeared In Gas Engine Magazine June/July 2021 This work is the result of two very different efforts. One of us (Cave)
Simple Conversion Of A Buzz Coil Engine To High Tension With Battery Saving Time-Out
Final version Appeared In Gas Engine Magazine Oct/Nov 2021 Often the question is asked if an engine can be converted from a Model
Let’s Understand The High Tension Ignition Final version Appeared In Gas Engine Magazine Feb/March 2021 Recently a friend’s 1952 Clinton engine wouldn’t start,
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